Welcome to

Bharatiya Vijnana Mandali

Bharatiya Vijnana Mandali (BVM), Andhra Pradesh head Quarter is situated at Vijayawada, registered under AP Societies Act 2006. It is having units and contacts in all the Districts in Andhra Pradesh. Bharatiya Vijnana Mandali as a part of its nation-building activities is promoting traditional and modern sciences.

Our Vision & Mission

The Vision of BVM is to see the people of Andhra Pradesh to be aware to the scientific developments around them and which allow them to enrich their scientific temperament within the communities they live in. It also lays importance on Indian contribution to science and technology in ancient, medieval and modern times, which also helps in creating a feeling of patriotism and respect towards the mother India. The Mission BVM is to attain a higher level of professionalism in science education and teachers to achieve their goals in terms of career, knowledge and overall development.

Activies News

Our current events and activities.


Bharatiya Vijnana Mandali, is conducting KOUSHAL a Science talent test covering all Government/ Zilla Parishad Schools in Andhra Pradesh.

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Bharatiya Vijnana Mandali, tries to bring the best people from the academia, industry and research. Esablishing a platform to share Ideas.

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Upcomming Events

Bharatiya Vijnana Mandali, trying to bring out the role of Indian Science & Technology, achievements and progress to the world.

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Advisory Council

Bharatiya Vijnana Mandali having distinguish Professors, Scientist and Lecturers who have vast experience in their respective Science, Engineering and Technology fields working for Scientific Progress of society.

Dr Y Sreenivas Rao

Director General - NS & M


Prof K Satyanarayana


Department of CE, IIT Tirupathi

Prof DVLN Somayajulu


Dept. of CSE, IIITDM

Prof Ramesh Srikonda

Director SPA

Dept. of Architecture, SPA

Prof K Ramjee

Former VC, Professor

Dept. of ME, Andhra University

Prof P Suresh Varma

Dean Academic Affairs

Dept. of CSE, AKNU